Monday, December 17, 2007

Back and Standing Upright!

Good tidings...I am back and sitting upright. Oh what a week it has been for me. On Monday I decided that I was going to increase my exercise and began to ride my son’s stationary reclining bike. What a mistake that was. I rode the bike for only 20 minutes and then did the "walk away the pound's" tape for 30 minutes. I felt great! I went through my day like a superwoman. Then the next morning I was up and about and all of a sudden I went to take a step and I could not walk. I had reinjured the disc that I had surgery on it and was really frozen in my spot. After many many tears I got myself (with my wonderful husband Dan's help of course) to Dr. Chen in Lombard, Illinois. He is the acupuncturist who has been helping me. Once he saw me he looked puzzled and asked "What you do?" All I did was cry. After three treatments I am up and walking and yes, using my cane but I went to work for the first time since last Monday. This has cost me about $240.00 so far and insurance (if I had it) doesn't cover once again I learn that out of pocket means out of money. Not only am I limited on my activities but this puts a damper on the much awaited Christmas shopping. Oh well, I guess my friends and family will just be getting a lot of "me" this year as a gift. Ho>Ho>Ho>>>Peace, Margie

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