Sunday, November 16, 2008

What You Deserve

o I was sitting here thinking about the countless stories that I hear about the lack of or loss of health insurance. I hear from people what they "want" for their coverage. It is kind of like requesting a meal.

“ I want a medium rare steak, but it has to be broiled not fired and oh...I want caramelized onions and then the gravy (not to watery) from the steak and the onions has to be poured on my very whipped potatoes, but the potatoes must be from Idaho not Ohio because the potatoes from Idaho are the real deal. Then I want the chocolate cake that has the rum filling with the real dairy whipped cream on top (not the fake stuff that has all the preservatives in it), and then I will be happy. But wait, I need an espresso at 301 degrees with a light foam on top but I will need room for cream…uh…use the real cream, ok?”

That is what I hear when I am told by people what they want in their health insurance plan. have become so spoiled and fat. I will be the first one in line to say that I need to trim all things down in my life. But I do not have the "normal" health insurance plan so co pay, drug cards, wellness benefits, those things are really not the "norm" anymore.

Please take the time before the New Year is here and write your list on what you want, what you can afford and what you deserve. I will ask you this questions once more. What is your health insurance for? I have the answer do you? Please write to me @ and the one that gets it right gets some homemade banana bread made by me sent to you.
Peace, Margie

Friday, November 14, 2008


This past Wednesday I had the opportunity to speak to about 30 insurance agents (some new and some not so new) regarding how we present out products. I decided to start the class with a very funny youtube piece that I found the morning of my class. The comedian's name is Tom Megalis, a live on the edge freelance performer/animator guy who nailed the experience on obtaining individual health insurance on its roaring head! All you have to do is go to and type in the search engine either health insurance or his name and let me tell you he was so funny (somewhat risqué) but all the same I felt like I knew his "pain." The T.I.P.S. I gave to them was to please be quiet and listen to all of you. I also reminded them that you as a public will tell us what you want in your health insurance coverage, and I as the “Insurance Lady” as one of my client’s son call me would tell you what you deserve. Harsh? You betcha! There is no reason (unless you are truly sick or are a hypochondriac) to have unlimited doctor office co pays of $10, $20 or $30 dollar a visit. There is no reason to have a low deductible of under $5000 because there are benefits that we can add on to pay for your entire out of pocket in case of any accidents or critical illnesses that may occur. If we are trimming our use of all environmental issues to save the world, cutting back on credit card spending and excessive rewards being paid to high paid executives then it is time to do the same with our health care or we will not have it any longer. It is a dying breed. So please, call me, email me, send me a pigeon with a note but at least respond. You have asked for solutions and I have them! Peace, Margie

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


This is my list for things I am thankful for. It is the time where in our great country, struggling as she ( I think our country is a she because she is “Mother Earth”) is that we have so very much to be thankful for. With the insurance industry changing and as an agent, I am thrilled to see the new benefits that are coming for the American public. So here is my list of things I am thankful for.
1. Progressive and inventive insurance companies such as Assurant Health and Golden Rule for me to work with. They are proactive in restructuring the once detestable term “Insurance Agent” into a much more sweet taste in our mouths then what it has been in the past.
2. Products that are new and exciting such as "The Decreasing One Deductible" which comes with an actual plan that will decrease your deductible twice a year with credits that you earn for being healthy.
3. Two and three year rate freezes. That is right! The plan’s that I offer not only decrease your deductibles it also gives you the peace of mind knowing that you will not be facing the increasing premiums as you do with other company's plans. These plans actually stop you from having the increase’s because the industry says you have to.
4. $25 million dollars in lifetime coverage! WOW! This is amazing. No other company has the foresight to do this for our clients. The costs of all goods including medicals costs are skyrocketing so they have had the wonderful idea to give you more for your safety.
5. With large deductibles we now can cover that deductible with a benefit that will actually pay for your entire out of pocket in case of accidents or critical illnesses that happen in life. The best thing is that it is not a limited benefit. In fact, it doesn't pay only once, it is per person per occurrence. Life is too unexpected and no one plans to be hurt or sick, right? So why be punished for the unexpected things? You need to be smart and choose the plan that will protect you and your family.
6. Tel-A-Doc: first in the country to have this benefit where you can call in and actually speak to a doctor in your time of need for the minor things in life. The "just incase you can't get to a doctor and you have the chills, fever, sneezes, I am sick feeling" you call, he calls you back and you are fine. You can even get refills on medications in case your doctor is not available.
7. The new Patient Care program. This is great. You call a number tell them that you need a certain test done and that representative will actually check around and get you the repiced cost and let you know what your out of pocket will be and what will go towards your deductible and co-insurance. The same rep will help you find a doctor in network or if you are traveling. The same rep will help you get the best cost on your medications or help you will a claim. The list is endless.
8. A company like Assurant Health that is over 150 years old, a steady company that pays its claims and is considerate with its clients.
9. Golden rule gives us the co-pays that some of you need, with an affordable amount to pay along with the ever valuable "wellness" that we all need each year to make sure we are here next year.
10. Most of all I am thankful that I have a chance to be the change that I want to see in the world that the world so desperately needs, now, not in the future, but right now.
I send you my friends (I consider my clients my friends) a wonderful Thanksgiving and the opportunity to enjoy this chance to give back, to stop and listen to what the world is trying to tell you. I may not always be here, but I will always be sending you peace, Margie Mack