Tuesday, August 19, 2008


I recently told a client that I felt like the dreaded IRS knocking on their door. The scenario goes like this; when I first contact the client they are either surprised and relieved or they are suspicious of what I want and who I am. Why would I want to save them money?? Why do I care that their premiums go up and up and up?? What am I gaining from helping them?? Where have I been until now??
I am so sick and tired of pleading with people to let me help them that I wish that I could get on the radio or on OPRAH and yell "WE HAVE A CRISIS HERE IN OUR COUNTRY AND THE COMPANY THAT I WORK FOR HAS A PLAN FOR EVERYONE!" " WE HAVE THE SOLUTIONS TO YOUR INSURANCE PROBLEMS!" Tonight I took work home with me and worked and called and emailed and faxed. So far I was regarded with distrust and what is it that I really want...not your first born because I have four of my own thank you!
If you are 60 years old and smoke and are overweight, guess what, I can help you. If you are a non smoker, and not overweight and young or old, I can help you. Even if you do not have your Social Security card yet, I can help you. But the questions really is...do you want me too? Let me know, peace, Margie

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